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Brand Copywriter

Any message that a business sends out to its clients and potential consumers – a message that promotes its brand and its value in the marketplace – is brand copywriting. NativeKrea is searching for a copywriter who can pitch our brand to a specific demographic. You must use some form of creative campaign to advertise or sell a product or a concept. Advertisements, social media, or in a magazine, a television commercial, a direct marketing email, and so on are examples.

We need video editors who specialize in

  • Creative Ideation
  • Control of Voice
  • Mastery of the written word across all channels.
  • Pitching the brand and versioning.

About Nativekrea

Nativekrea is committed to creating an inclusive employee experience for all. Regardless of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, age, disability, or if you’re parenting the next generation of change makers, we believe that we produce our best work when everyone feels free to be their most authentic self.

Let’s write a new world!